Station Yard
Station Yard is a residential development for 18 houses and 9 flats in the centre of the village of Sutton Scotney in Hampshire.

Project description
Station Yard is a residential development for Metis Homes comprising 18 houses and 9 flats located on an important brownfield site at the centre of the village of Sutton Scotney. The design was developed through a careful contextual analysis and engagement with the Local Design Review Panel. It carefully stitches two fragmented parts of the village together, connecting into the existing footpath network to improve permeability across the heart of the village.
The design includes four repeated house types, comprising detached family homes and short terraces, and a block of apartments containing affordable housing.

The design is contemporary but contextual and develops the local Hampshire vernacular. The layout is legible, with key vistas and corners clearly defined, terminating with primary façades. The shared space includes a new pedestrian route, creating a high quality and connected public realm. A restrained pallet of forms, materials and details creates a strong sense of place that sits comfortably with the adjoining conservation area. This created a cost-effective solution that sold well on the private market despite challenging market conditions.

The site entrance

Connections with the existing street pattern

Challenges we overcame
We helped unlock planning for a key brownfield site that had several failed applications. Located at the heart of the village we developed an urban design-led approach to the site layout that integrated the distinct adjoining character areas and improved permeability, stitching the site into the surrounding context. First, we undertook an options appraisal which established that a central access road would increase development capacity. This was contrary to the council’s development brief for the site. We negotiated with the LPA that this departure was justified by the improved quality of placemaking achieved. The result was a much more efficient site layout that achieved both more units and higher sales values. This was achieved through our rigorous approach to contextual analysis and clearly articulated urban design principles set out in a quality Design and Access Statement. We also negotiated a reduction in on-site open space, gaining crucial additional units and unlocking viability. This was achieved by presenting the scheme to the Local Design Review Panel and explaining the scheme's merits as a piece of connected placemaking. We exceeded the project brief and increased viability through a rigorous and contextual design process.

4 bed typology

4 bed typology

3 bed typology

5 bed typology

4 bed typology

4 bed typology

5 bed typology

5 Bed Typology

The affordable apartments