Sub\Urbia House
The Sub\Urbia House is an innovative new housing typology that seeks to solve the housing crisis.

The family townhouse - the top step on the ladder

The starter homes - the first steps on the ladder
The Sub\Urbia House was a competition entry to the Sunday Times Future Homes competition and explored a new typology for high density suburban housing. It has the appearance and feel of the medium density semi-urban places where British people love to live, but at a density well in excess of 75-100dph.
The typology delivers 2 x 3 bed town houses, 2 x 2 bed duplex units and a 1 bed city pad. 5no. units in a 10m x 20m plot. In this one typology, the whole housing ladder is created. This results in the ultimate sustainable community where entry-level flats coexist with aspirational family townhouses.
Core to the concept is the idea of creating a super density terraced block that combines both traditional horizontal side to side and back to back separation with flatted vertical separation to create a single super block. A series of single aspect typologies allow significant increases in density without compromising on the all important relationship with the street and the joy of having your own front door.
This is, we believe, the typology of the future, balancing traditional character in the street with the need for housing that delivers much higher densities.