Cherry Bounce Masterplan
The masterplan provided 110 dwellings on a steeply sloping triangular site on a key gateway into Hemel Hempstead.

Cherry Bounce is a masterplan for 110 houses in Hemel Hempstead. The site occupies a steeply sloping triangular site on an important and highly prominent piece of land located on the northern approaches to the town centre. Its southern boundary abutted the Conservation Area. The proposal sought to maximise the development potential of the site whilst minimising expensive ground works. Innovative access arrangements and two bespoke building typologies allowed retaining walls and costly cut and fill to be minimised. By minimising internal tanked retaining and increasing cheaper <1m retaining structures in the landscape significant efficiencies were achieved.

The site plan

The town houses

Stepped Back to Back Semi-detached houses

Stepped single stair apartments